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Sodium Glucuronate

Sodium Glucuronate is the salt ester of Glucuronic acid. In the body the salt is usually quickly removed to form Glucuronic acid. Glucuronic acid forms glycosidic bonds with substances in the body through a process known as glucuronidation. In doing so it enables the body to metabolize drugs, pollutants, bilirubin, androgens, estrogens, mineralocorticoids, glucocorticoids, fatty acid derivatives, retinoids, and bile acids. The process of linking glucuronic acid to these compounds occurs primarily in the liver. Once linked these toxins and compounds become more water soluble and may be readily eliminated by the body through urination.

So Sodium glucuronate and Glucuronic acid enable the body to metabolize and eliminate substances it wants to get rid of. In addition Glucuronic acid by binding to certain hormones and lending its water soluble property may instead of elimination facilitate hormonal transport around the body. So Sodium glucuronate and Glucuronic acid are liver detoxifiers but serve other purposes as well.

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